Pobody’s Nerfect
It’s been a hectic fall. And when things get hectic, at least lately, the first thing to be pushed aside is my writing. Sometimes, I just have to take care of myself. The hardest thing is having enough self-love to know pushing something that important to me (the writing) is understandable. I give Stephen King props to writing every single day. I would love to be like that…and perhaps I can get there. Writing is exercise, no matter if you’re sitting still: there’s a lot going on from the muse (or whatever you want to call it), our brains, our blood, and then to our fingers that are clicking and clacking on a keyboard or trying to scribble down every thought, every idea, every line, every word for as long as we can before the malaise hits. Like any workout, it takes time to adjust, and right now, I’m out of shape.
If we were given the ability to do whatever we wanted instantly, would we be grateful? Would we be satisfied?
Heck yes!, I hear you and even part of myself saying, Bam!
Well…sometimes it’s the journey that makes a person, not the destination. I don’t know about you, but the Emerald City wasn’t the best part of Wizard of Oz. I more enjoyed the lore in the beginning, the strange and fun characters that came on the way, the struggles and triumphs, and then sure…give me the Emerald City as a reward, but after facing trees that can chuck apples, an evil witch, and poppies….if I were Dorothy, I could face everything else.
Anyway, what was I on about? Oh yeah…the journey. No one is perfect. We aren’t born knowing the difference between a hot stove and a cold one, how to balance a budget, or pop out of the womb in perfect form. We build those things through experiences, education, and just doing. No one can theorize their way to any of those things. You either do or you don’t.
Life will always have obstacles, ups and downs, and temptations of things that aren’t writing. I just have to come to terms with that and build those muscles to the point where it’s easier. Not easy…writing is never 100% easy…but easier.
On the other hand, you need to tend to any burns, distract yourself after working on your budget (or else I’ll you’ll go insane trying to account for too much), and rest after every workout. Learning the difference between self-care and procrastination is something I need to work on, and with enough practice and time, I could find balance…but by the time I have it felt out, my time will be up.
My advice to myself: just write. Just read. But hold onto the joy, and kicking yourself when you’re down doesn’t help you get back up. Instead, get back up, learn from the experiences, and keep going forward.